
12 Days of Fitness

decThe countdown to the holidays has already begun. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, you’ll be faced with more parties and less time to work out this month. The average person can gain anywhere between 5-7 lbs from Thanksgiving to New Year’s, and then spends the whole year trying to lose it. That’s pretty easy when faced with delicious treats like savory roasts, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pie, cake, cookies…Yum!
In the spirit of the 12 Days of Christmas, here’s our 12 Days of Fitness to keep you moving…right past the dessert table.
12. Walk the bridge…Got an extra ½ hour during your lunch break? The bike path over the bridge has just enough incline to get your heart pumping for a little cardio.
11. Hang out with the kids…Little kids’ energy is electric! Playing tag, going for a bike ride or joining in for some hide-and-go-seek keeps the blood pumping and burns those extra calories.
10. Beach jog…Yes it is December, but this unusually warm weather allows for some summer-style workouts. The resistance of sand ensures your muscles work a little harder. Besides, running on sand is so much better for your joints. Another plus? Breathing in those negative beach ions puts you in a fantastic mood.
9. Shopping with a twist…Whether you’re at the grocery store or perusing the goods at Target, you’ve got a workout in each and every aisle. Work your quads when squatting for those lower-shelf items or get in some calf raises when snatching those goods on the high shelves. A few leg lifts while waiting in line tones those glutes, while carrying your groceries to your car gets some bicep action in.
8. Dancing in the car…Ok, we know you do this already. Who doesn’t? In fact, just 20 minutes of dancing can burn 100 calories. So get your iPhone charged and make Pandora your passenger. 
7. Run your errands (literally)…Try parking in the furthest spot from your destination. Fast walking or light jogging those extra yards to the market or store can make all the difference.
6. Pull out the bike…This unseasonably warm winter is making bike-riding the norm. Why not cruise around town getting those menial tasks done? A basket on the handlebars makes picking up and dropping off super easy. 
5. Got stairs?…Having a two-story home just made your ‘workout’ that much easier! Climbing stairs burns more calories than walking a flat path. Plus, that constant, vigorous movement creates deeper breathing and increases heart rate, circulating blood to all areas of the body.
4. Calisthenics…Yes, you read that correctly. Probably a term you haven’t heard in years, but yet, still super-effective in burning those extra calories. All you need are 20 minutes and some open floor space. Sqats, sit-ups, squats, lunges…instant workout.
3. Walk the dogs…Well, we know you do that anyway, but why not make an extra loop around the neighborhood? An additional 5 minutes out of your day is nothing but an extra 5 minutes of healthier living.
2. A day in the park…So you’ve got a play date scheduled for little Johnny. Why not meet at the jungle gym? A few push-ups here and chin-ups there can be an easy workout to slide into your busy schedule. 
1. Getting the holiday right…Putting up the tree, stringing up the lights, wrapping gifts. Yes, it may not be a big workout, but it gives you the opportunity to move. Plus, it’s gotta get done, right?
Keep up the good work and you’ll have one less New Years’ Resolution to keep! See y’all in 2016!